While I am not typically one to use this month/holiday for the "being thankful" aspect since I try to use any time to partake in that, I wanted to use this as an excuse to formulate a chunked 'thank you'. This is for most of the bands, people, etc. who have provided help, escape, and art for not only me, but plenty of others. Most of these people and groups I have taken photos of. That's generally my way of interacting with everyone, given that my regular social skills lack norms.

AJJ (Shot for LA Music Blog)


Sean Bonnette, as well as everyone in AJJ, I'm throwing some of my thank you's your way first (mainly due to alphabetical situations). Your music and drive has greatly inspired my own creative output into the world. I always enjoy what you're putting out. You are some of the nicest people in music, currently. Also, Mark has a solid twitter presence. I vividly remember getting somewhat anxious right after shooting this photo above because of something shouted from the audience toward what I thought at the time to be me. Mark assured that all was well on my part and that felt rather important to hear back. Love you all.



If I recall correctly, the first interaction I had with Pete was after a show at the El Rey and my face was covered in lipstick. One of the last times I saw you all, it was at the Microsoft Theatre and I had interviewed you backstage. I was in awe to see you go from a subdued little green room (aside from that full arcade-type area) into playing for countless people in that venue in a matter of minutes. It was incredible to watch. Thanks for being some rad dudes.

Bleacher//Jack Antonoff (Shot for LA Music Blog)

Bleachers/Jack Antonoff

The very first time I saw Bleachers was Outside Lands 2014. It was a ridiculously emotional weekend. Meanwhile, they were playing songs I would later hold very close to me. A few months later, I managed to sneak my camera into a somewhat intimate show. I gave the merch guy a glove with my website written on it. I'm not sure where it ended up, but my work was just okay back then, anyway. Months after that, I found myself covering their set before Charlie XCX at Pacific Amphitheater. Way better photos that the last time. Even bigger venue than the last time. This show showed me just what it takes to perform at a venue like this without losing anyone's interest. They'll forever be held close to me.

Che Cafe (Feat. La Bella)

Che Cafe

The Che has been quite a decent drive away from me, but if there's ever a show there that seems better than anything in LA, I'll choose the Che. This place is likely the most welcome I've ever felt in a venue, and I cannot thank the volunteers and various others who help run it. They're persistent and ready to fight for what they believe in.

Chris Farren

Chris Farren

I don't know you personally, but you've used a couple of my photos for social media recently, so that's cool. Our brief discussion at The Hi Hat let me know just how genuine and sweet you are. Your humor lasts both on-stage and off, and I love seeing that sort of personality floating about.

Christian Club

Christian Oyen

I admire your love of everything. You want to talk with everyone and get to know them. You're always doing far above what I see some others do. Important discussions and open-minded learning seems to be what you thrive on. The music community deserves plenty of people such as yourself. I'm constantly inspired by all of the effort you put in. I technically met you backstage at Beach Goth, but I'll say we met at that full moon hike when I volunteered to drive you home.

Cold War Kids

Cold War Kids

This is a terrible photo, but it was the second show I ever shot. I got in through Hin Du, since they were opening for Cold War Kids. I had no idea how big they were getting. This was a fun little learning experience, and they helped me realize the struggle of very low light, even though it wasn't their direct intention.

Cursive (Shot for MAT Magazine)


Cursive makes music I can go back to anytime with any mood. I love artists that can have that going for them. A lot of my thank you here is for music, considering I've only covered their show once and didn't speak with any of the members. They're nice to take photos of, though! I hope to see them around soon again.

DIIV (Shot for LA Music Blog)


I've seen/covered DIIV maybe over 5 times now? Their set before How to Destroy Angels at the Fox Theater didn't seem to get much love, unfortunately. I'm not exactly sure why. My only guess for that was an audience strictly NIN-based. Devin's pretty relevant on facebook, so there's that. They gave me a signed copy of Oshin on vinyl and a shirt for $17 and a hi-five, so thank you for that, too. 



You're all the way in MA, so I've only had the chance to see you once, but you were all incredibly nice. I almost unknowingly saw you play a show in Worcester last year, but you had to cancel. I have your recent album on vinyl and listen to it when I want to feel nostalgic.

Elvis Depressedly (Shot for LA Music Blog)

Elvis Depressedly

I've seen you all play like 4 times in CA. As you have probably been able to tell, this is my favorite photo I've taken of Mat. I'm glad you liked the print of it I handed over at The Echo. You've shared my photos, which I'm always very thankful for. I'm glad I can do something for you all that makes you look as great as you all do while performing.

Foxing (Shot for LA Music Blog)


You guys go through too much. Every few months is something drastic happening to Foxing. Much love your way for being the strongest and most resilient band out there touring. Thank you for putting down some solid albums and shows. I'm never disappointed when you're all in town, and I've managed to see you every time. I have too many photos to choose from, so I settled on this one above. I think you may be well-aware of how many photos I've taken of your shows. Hopefully those prints made it back with you safely that one time. I'll have to put together some other ones now that I've shot a couple more of your shows. Each one of you are so very invested in what you do. I can't think of a better, stronger group of musicians.

Free Throw

Free Throw

I have yet to speak with any of you personally, but you know Blade Brown, so that's a start. Your crowd attendance just keeps growing. Your music has remained important to me, and many many others. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford to see you all last time you were in Anaheim, but I look forward to the next time you visit! Thanks for making tunes I can cry to.

Frida Cinema (An Intimate Evening With... Koyaanisqatsi)

The Frida Cinema

You're local AND independent. You hosted a Neil Breen movie. There are some rad shows that occasionally take place at this theatre. What's not to love? Thank you for being so open and keeping good content coming. This is a space I will hold with me 'til the end.

FUNZONE (Feat. Ridgeway)


I've visited once for the Ridgeway/Conheartist/Pedestrian show back in 2014 on my way up to San Jose and Chico/Paradise. Was very confused about the batting cages at first because I was just expecting an average diy venue. What you're doing up there is great and influential. If you weren't so far away, I'd head up there more often. Definitely a venue to love. Spencer is relatable online.

Ghost Noise

Ghost Noise

The first time I saw/covered your show was late 2014, and I was immediately hooked. You release music I very well needed in this era. You've been supportive of my work, and the same goes from myself to you all. Your sound is recognizable enough for me to instantly know who was playing when I stepped out of a Front Bottoms show at The Glass House and passed by the gallery you were playing at.

Hin Du (FKA Hindu Pirates)

Hindu Pirates

Austin from Hin Du (Hindu Pirates) got me into my first few shows I ever shot. My very first that I covered was Hindu Pirates/Matt Costa. I was terrible, didn't know how proper exposures worked in this environment, etc. Without them, I most likely wouldn't have gotten into a lot of other shows, which then led to some other great opportunities. Thanking them forever. They started where I'm at.

Insomniac Collective

Insomniac Collective

Insomniac Collective

I've see your band once, but Tommy's in this. Thank you for breaking up your band so Tommy and I could start a project that has yet to get off the ground about a year later. Tommy, you're an influential and important friend for me. You write saw raw lyrics and manage to shout them while holding a barely-supported washboard. You just keep plugging away no matter what, and I will never get tired of seeing that.

Into It. Over It.

Into It. Over It.

More songs for me to cry to. You've shared my photo onto Instagram once, and that felt rad. You've also liked a lot of the photos others have shared that I've taken, even though you're not looking at who took it. Still nice to see your Instagram handle show up in the likes. Thank you for playing shows and staying real.

Isaiah Rolow

Your music is different from most of the stuff being put out down here right now. It is much needed. You talk from the heart, and we've had a deep conversation after your Mango Session that I felt honest and open with. You've always greeted me at shows, even before I fully knew you.

Jeff Rosenstock

Jeff Rosenstock

You've put in too many years to count of strong work for the DIY music community all over. You're one of the greats of this generation and I thank you for being such a strong influence for so many people and bands. You stay true to your beliefs and make sure everyone is taken care of. Thank you for writing some true punk hits for the outcast sad punk kids to yell along to.

Jon Model

Jon Model

I'm not even sure how many bands you drum in. Probably too many for me to remember. Thank you for putting in time for recording local bands, as well as the bands I've tossed in for Mango Sessions. I've thanked you in person a few time, but am always afraid I don't come off as genuine. I'm truly grateful for all of the work you put in.

Joyce Manor

Joyce Manor

I took this photo backstage at Beach Goth (2014?). It looks like some kind of paparazzi shot, but that's kind of why I picked it for this. I haven't talked with you all much, but the bit that I have has been more than a pleasure. You keep going far, which is crazy to see from a somewhat local band. Thanks for making songs get stuck in my head every week.

Kara's Walk Home

Kara's Walk Home

I saw you once at Programme, and everyone who was playing I know for a fact are super nice people. NDE on Facebook loved you, so you're basically emo legends now, right?



Friend, you've been there since 2013. If I hadn't chosen to fly out to Boston for a month, I wouldn't have met one of my favorite friends. You know me too well. I know you a fair amount. Thank you for always being there since we met, allowing a place for me to be when I visit, flying out to CA to visit me and see Disneyland/AX, having similar humor, and liking too much anime. I've probably taken the same amount of photos of you as some of these bands, sorry. You've provided a lot for me, and I hope I've been able to do something similar for you.



You're always so excited to talk, and you manage to be welcoming to everyone you talk with. You're fully interested and invested in every discussion you have. I have to say, I definitely look up to you.

Melted (Shot for The Deli Mag)


You're some good SoCal punk. I've covered your shows a few times over the years, usually for publications. You've used my photos a few times for Instagram, which I'm obviously thankful for. I've had some solid discussions with Justin via Facebook comments.

mewithoutYou (Shot for LA Music Blog)


Thank you for creating the most beautiful albums I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. You're amazing musicians and just as much amazing people. I love the stories and imagery you are able to form with music alone. Also, Aaron is really photogenic. A portrait session with him would be an honor.

Modern Baseball (Shot for LA Music Blog)

Modern Baseball

You guys really grew on me. Right when I listened and saw all of your personalities, I couldn't stop. I can relate too much with Ian's liking of ska. At a show you played at The Echoplex earlier this year, I had a long lens focused in on Sean for his part in 'Your Graduation', but I was not prepared for him to trade off, and step up fully on hand-held mic. Still got a great black and white shot of him yelling with a member of the crowd while shooting with that lens, though. Bren has been so strong, and I have an immense amount of respect for sharing his story and continuing to make it through. Thank you for making songs I can sing along to in the car.



We're only ever talking at the shows that you're at, but you've been an important member of the local scene. You keep working toward your goals, and I greatly admire that.

OK Go (Shot for MAT Magazine)


The first time I shot OK Go was at the Troubadour. I thought I wasn't going to be allowed in because of my honest lack of experience, but their team let me in beside that fact. I've managed to keep in touch with their team for the most part. I want to thank them here for using my photos from their shows in some of their promotional pieces. This is a band I would absolutely love to cover a tour for. One of my favorite bands around. They never cease to be creative.



We've spent a little bit of time together in very small groups in interesting situations. I still cannot believe the stuff you've been able to do on social accounts.



I feel like you're going to go really far with this project. I'm realizing now that I have a show of yours to get to really soon. Alex and Austin always make it a point to say hello and talk with me at shows. You're currently on an emotional playlist I have going. You're very supportive and loving and I want you all to know how much you mean to me beyond just music.

Patrick Whitehill

Patrick, I'm glad I was able to let you know of your somewhat similar look to Mike Birbiglia. You were a big help on the Mango Session you did



Again, another group I consider to be very supportive of not only my work, but me. I've gotten nothing but genuine care from everyone in this group. I've seen you all more times than I can count, and I wasn't even around when you started.



You guys welcomed me into your show while I was thousands of miles away from home, with a camera and a simple flickr gallery. Thank you for letting me capture your performance at that time. I'm bummed I wasn't able to see you all more often. Like a few of these others, you were one of the first few bands that I shot. Maybe within the first 10. Thank you for trusting me.

Barry / Poska

Poska, Alyx

You're pushing a lot in the local music scene, and I think it's way too much for one person to be trying to hold all together. I don't know how you manage to do all of this. You're always sure to be inclusive and create positive spaces, while highlighting more of the underground scene. Thank you for holding a ton of shows and content. Mango Sessions wouldn't be even what it is right now without your support. You care about/for everyone and make sure everyone is comfortable and everything is going according to plan. You are another person I see who can stand behind their beliefs and morals. I have a great respect for you and all of your work.

Ridgeway (Shot for The Deli Mag)

Ridgeway (Shot for The Deli Mag)


There's obviously been a lot of support back n forth. Had Wyatt not suggested I drive up to Santa Barbara for your show, I'm not sure where I'd be at. I'm all about everything you guys do and have loved working with you. You're also all great to take photos of with flash. I'm sorry for blinding you so much.

Roggenbuck, Steve

Roggenbuck, Steve

Steve! I'm so glad to have been able to meet and talk to you on multiple occasions. Your writing and video making has had a lasting affect on me. You are an inspiration and I love everything you do and are about.



You're so attentive with the shows you organize and the messages you stand behind. Thank you for joining me at that They Might Be Giants show. I've learned a lot this year about you and how great of a person you are. I'm glad we've been able to talk and somewhat hang around. Thank you for sticking up for yourself, as well as things you see needing proper support.

Rotten Blue Menace

Rotten Blue Menace

Rotten Blue Menace

Thank you for returning to SoCal one last time. I hadn't seen Gordy in years. I look forward to all of your future projects. You put on entertaining shows and solid jams.

Runaway Brother

Runaway Brother

This is the only photo I have where most of you are in it (sorry, Charlie). I've loved giving you all support, and am grateful for the love given back. I'm glad I was able to catch you all in Boston last year on your tour with The Hotelier. Hopefully you can make it back to SoCal again at some point. You're a fun group and I want to thank you for the support, respect, merch, music, sessions, etc. you've all given.

Sinai Vessel

It took us a couple tries to make that session work out, but I'm glad it finally did. You were so attentive and trying to make that work as much as possible. Also, your voice is incredible. Your band is one of my favorites in the "scene". You all put on a hard set.

Slime Girls

Slime Girls

Okay, everyone involved in this group is the best. I'm writing this one last because while it may be the most obvious to contribute to, I didn't know how to properly form sentences to express how much I love everyone in this project. Thank you for releasing stellar tunes, and playing rad shows. That show at The Constellation Room with Kero Kero Bonito was one of my top sets of the year (your set at from the one pictured above was also in my top list). Shoutout to Pedro, Jackson, Rob, and Devin.

Snow Roller

I think Poska suggested this session? I'm not fully sure, but I'm glad it took place and I was able to meet all of you! Your songs slay, I hope I can see you all back here again soon. Thank you for putting up with the sweaty warehouse.

Sorority Noise (Shot for LA Music Blog)

Sorority Noise

You lend important songs to me. I often yell along while on long drives or when I need to let go of a lot of pent-up energy, whether it be excitement or sadness. I have a huge respect for Cam for maintaining resilience and going through tough times. Being side-stage and hearing you talk openly about mental illness to the crowd at Chain reaction has stuck with me well.

Teen Suicide

Teen Suicide

The first time I saw your band was in Boston in 2015. I was visiting for a few days and you happened to be playing while I was there. I sat in on your soundcheck in the back of the venue. It was either you or Alex G who was talking about Jack White's guacamole thing, but I thought about how strictly relevant that is to that exact month. When Sam hit me up about that black and white photo of him in LA, I can honestly say I was beyond excited and honored. Since then, I've gotten such strong support and love from all of you. I want to flood you with photo prints from your set at Chain Reaction, but I'm sure that'd be too much. I'm glad you enjoyed the prints I did give you in LA, though. Thank you Sean, Alec, Sam, and John. I'm sure there is a lot more I could say on this, but it isn't fully coming to me. I respect you all a lot, and am appreciative of everything you've done. Thank you.

The World is a Beautiful Place and I am no Longer Afraid to Die

The World is a Beautiful Place and I am no Longer Afraid to Die

All of your songs are bangers. Every member of this band is incredible. There's never anything bad to say about TWIABP. There will never be a band like you. So much love to everything you create. A few of you have used my shots as profile pictures, and that really took me aback. Shoutout to Nicole. I love all of you. I've cried too much to your music.

Tiny Moving Parts

Tiny Moving Parts

I snuck my camera into your show with Modern Baseball, PUP, and Jeff Rosenstock. Security caught me after your set, but thankfully let me return after putting my camera in my car. Dylan seemed to be into that story and shared a photo from that night to your Instagram, which was rad to me. You've shared a few of my shots to your accounts, including this one above. I try to get decent photos of drummers because I think they're a bit under-represented in concert photography. I think Bill appreciated that.

Told Slant

Told Slant

This project means the world to me. The content of Felix's songs dig deep. They're ridiculously sweet and I hope everything goes in their favor for the entirety of their existence. Loved being able to touch base when you visited SoCal this year.

Twin Bruises

Twin Bruises

I'll never not love this photo and everyone in it. I think this really defines the sort of scene we have going over here. You've always been beyond supportive of my work, and I hope I've been able to show my appreciation for everyone who was in this band. Thank you thank you thank you over and over. So much love and care.

The Shivs

The Shivs

The first and only show I booked had you on the bill. I also played that show, which is weird. Always friendly and welcoming. As much as I feel odd saying this term, you're all down to earth, and Biedermann seems happy at all times.

Young Lovers

Young Lovers

I think this is/was your cover photo on like everything Young Lovers. I love you all and your sound. Jonny's great to talk with at shows. Probably one of the easiest to talk to, actually. Always hyped. Fun to see.


Not Photographed Below


Ryan Mo

Thank you for having me on with The Deli, giving me info on certain etiquette, and discussing local music and publications. I love working with you and everyone else associated with The Deli LA. Thank you for having a voice, and giving others a voice in the community.

Emma Tavasci

It's hard for me to write this knowing you won't ever see this. I feel like I never talked to you enough in person, and I took your physical presence for granted. I've since learned not to do that with anyone. Thank you for talking with me about the problems in the local music scene. Thank you for always being sure to talk to me whenever you saw me. You were the sweetest person I've met in this group of local musicians. I'm sorry I never took any photos of you. I went against my moral of taking photos of people and things I appreciate. I'm sure you'd forgive me. You were always so very supportive of my photography and who I am as a person. Thank you.

Jessica Venham

I met you through tumblr, which I think is kind of odd since you're super local. Sorry I don't have a photo of you. Thank you for being there for me and talking about important matters with me. I think about that photo of you with Jynx that one night a lot. I'd use that, but I'm not sure it would fit the theming of everything else.

Christina Iraheta

Thank you for including me in important discussions, as well as making sure I am doing well. I appreciate your attention to everyone's wellbeing. You make sure you tend to everything that is important to you, and manage to learn a lot.

Joey Campbell

Thank you for always listening to my anxious messages and providing the necessary feedback for them. I hope you know just how much I love and care for you and everything you do. Also, thank you for meeting up with me at AX this year. This feels short, but I talk to you quite often, I feel like I've driven the point home that I'm overly thankful for your presence.


Thank your for constantly talking with me through everything ever for the past year. There are a lot of people that should strive to be as great as you.

Joe Cortez

Thank you so much for providing a space for local photographers, documenting a ton of nearby shows, and being an overall kind and thoughtful person. Much respect for you.

Ian Hitt

You've been supportive of me from when we first met, and I am so glad to have been able to continue talking with you. Your photography and art is amazing and I love seeing you update.

Michelle McCausland

Thank you for contacting me about joining The Deli's team. I really needed that push at the time. I felt like I was struggling. You've supported me on a number of different things, including things that I would have normally been afraid to speak about. Thank you!

Natalie Contreras

You've been around for quite some time, and I met you on the internet. Thank you for being a good friend and putting up with me all this time. I'm glad we've stayed able to joke around and send photos of dogs and silly art.

The MAT Magazine

You were the first publication I shot for, so I pretty much HAVE to throw a thank you your way!

Run For Cover Records

I've shot like 12 of your bands. Thank you for having some great bands on your label.